Norman Ackroyd - Studio Visit

With his epic painterly aquatints of the far edges of the British Isles, Norman Ackroyd captures the ever-changing atmosphere of the landscapes he visits. But like all of us, his usual plans were disrupted by the pandemic – something that’s seen him reach for his sketchbooks to explore his earlier trips, remembering the ebb and flow of being out on the water and the salty wash of the sea. 

We visited Norman at his central London studio, along with Eames Fine Art gallery owner Rebecca Eames, and discussed his tools, techniques and travels.

Space is always limited in the magazine as we are keen to show as much of the artist’s work as possible, however we felt that it would interesting to share a gallery of some of other brilliant images from our studio visit earlier in the year. All photos by Jo Hounsome


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Issue 13 featuring Norman Ackroyd

To read the full article and see more of Norman’s stunning work, why not get yourself a copy of issue 13 - available now from the links below: